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Complex colloidal structures with non-linear optical properties formed in an optical trap. Opt. Express, 28, 37700–37707 (2020).
. Optomechanical properties of optically self-arranged colloidal waveguides. Opt. Lett., 44, 707-710 (2019).
. Spin to orbital light momentum conversion visualized by particle trajectory. Sci. Rep., 9, 4127:1-7 (2019).
. . Enhancement of the `tractor-beam' pulling force on an optically bound structure. Light: Sci. Appl., 7, 17135 (2018).
. Accuracy and Mechanistic Details of Optical Printing of Single Au and Ag Nanoparticles. ACS nano, 11, 9678–9688 (2017).
. Synchronization of colloidal rotors through angular optical binding. Phys. Rev. A, 93, 023842 (2016).
. Binding of a pair of Au nanoparticles in a wide Gaussian standing wave. Opt. Rev., 22, 157-161 (2015).
. Complex rotational dynamics of multiple spheroidal particles in a circularly polarized, dual beam trap. Opt. Express, 23, 7273-7287 (2015).
. Non-spherical gold nanoparticles trapped in optical tweezers: shape matters. Opt. Express, 23, 8179-8189 (2015).
. Three-Dimensional Optical Trapping of a Plasmonic Nanoparticle using Low Numerical Aperture Optical Tweezers. Sci. Rep., 5, 8106 (2015).
. Optical sorting of nonspherical and living microobjects in moving interference structures. Opt. Express, 22, 29746-29760 (2014).
. Rotation, oscillation and hydrodynamic synchronization of optically trapped oblate spheroidal microparticles. Opt. Express, 22, 16207-16221 (2014).
. Experimental demonstration of optical transport, sorting and self-arrangement using a `tractor beam'. Nature Photon., 7, 123-127 (2013).
. Metallic nanoparticles in a standing wave: optical force and heating. J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transf., 126, 84-90 (2013).
. Optical alignment and confinement of an ellipsoidal nanorod in optical tweezers: a theoretical study. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 29, 1224–1236 (2012).