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Theoretical comparison of optical traps created by standing wave and single beam. Opt. Commun., 220, 401-412 (2003).
. Simplified description of optical forces acting on a nanoparticle in the Gaussian standing wave. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 19, 1025-1034 (2002).
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Optical trapping of nanoparticles and microparticles using Gaussian standing wave. Opt. Lett., 24, 1448–1450 (1999).
. Atomic dipole trap formed by a blue detuned strong Gaussian standing wave. Opt. Commun., 146, 119–123 (1998).
. Optical trapping of Rayleigh particles using a Gaussian standing wave. Opt. Commun., 151, 273–285 (1998).