Quantitative imaging of beam sensitive samples using correlative signal detection in a cryo-SEM
Quantitative imaging of beam sensitive samples using correlative signal detection in a cryo-SEM
Detailed analysis of electron beam sensitive samples by scanning electron microscope (SEM) is in many cases the compromise between the quality of detected signal and the beam damage of the sample. The use of high currents, which are necessary for several analyses, causes destruction of the sample structure. To estimate the limit of significant damage formation it is possible to use quantitative evaluation of electron-sample interactions. The aim of the project is the research in the field of advanced detection systems in SEM that will lead to development of new quantitative imaging method containing the correlation of various signals produced during interaction of electrons and beam sensitive material in the temperature ranging from room temperature to temperature reached by cooling using liquid helium. Emphasis is placed on the sample preparation using cryo-techniques, where we can expect the preservation of the sample structures close to their native state. The project includes the development of experimental apparatus, dedicated software and methodology to test selected samples.