Ing. Miroslav Horacek

Special Technologies Laboratory


Personal Data:


Professional Experience:

1987 - 1993
TESLA Brno, development engineer at the department of electron beam litography (ELG). Development of electrical components. An operator of ELG, a memmber of the group to mount and service ELG systems. Service trips to the USSR (later Russia) to Leningrad (later St. Petersburg) and Moscow in 1990-1993 for about 1 year in total.
Since 1993
Institute of Scientific Instruments, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic development worker at the department of special technology. Development of a high voltage supply for an electron beam welding machine.

Research Interests:

Language Proficiency:

Czech (native), Russian (fluently), English (fairly good), French (poorly)


  1. Horacek M.:
    Ridici obvody pro regulaci polohy kormidla maleho letajiciho prostredku (Control circuits for a regulation of the position of the helm of the small plane).
    Graduation paper, Faculty of Electrical Engineering of TU in Brno, department of radioelectronics, 1987.
  2. Dupak J., Kapounek P., Horacek M.:
    Applications of a New Electron Beam Welding Technology in Vacuum Equipment Design.
    In: Kovine, zlitine, technologije (Metals Alloys Technologies), Ljubljana (Slovenia), 1995/letnik 29/431-432.
    (Available in PDF format)
  3. Dupak J., Kapounek P., Horacek M.:
    Pouziti nove technologie svarovani elektronovym svazkem v kryogenni a vakuove technice (Using of a New Electron Beam Welding Technology in Cryogenic and Vacuum Techniques).
    In: Jemna mechanika a optika, Prerov (Czech Republic), 1995/10-11/342-343.
    (Available in PDF format)
  4. Dupak J., Kapounek P., Horacek M.:
    Application of a New Welding Technology in Vacuum Equipment Design.
    In: Book of Abstracts of Slovenian-Hungarian-Croatian-Austrian Sixth Joint Vacuum Conference, Bled, Slovenian Vacuum Society 1995, p.84.
    [Vacuum Conference /6./ - Joint Slovenian-Hungarian-Croatian-Austrian. Bled (SI), 95.04.04-95.04.07]
  5. Finger M., Dupak J., Finger M.,Jr., Hanzelka P., Horacek M., Janata A., Jarolimek O., Jelinek J., Kasal M., Kracikova T. I., Laub M., Linka A., Novak R.,Novakova D., Ota J., Picek J., Slunecka M., Sluneckova V., Sonsky M., Srnka A., Sulc M., Virius M., Vognar M., Volf P., Zicha J.:
    COMPAS - Common Muon and Proton Apparatus for Structure and spectroscopy.
    In: Sbornik abstrakt Nukleonika '98. Zbraslav: UJI Zbraslav, a.s., 1998, p.23.
    [Nukleonika '98. Zbraslav (CZ)]
  6. Horacek M.:
    Direct detection of electrons by area array CCD.
    In: Radioelektronika 99 - 9th International Czech-Slovak Scientific Conference, Brno, April 27-28, 1999. Conference Proceedings, pp. 78-81.
    (Available in PDF format)
  7. Horacek M.:
    Detekce uhloveho rozdeleni signalnich elektronu v nizkoenergiovem mikroskopu (Detection of the Angular Distribution of the Signal Electrons in Low Energy Microscopy).
    Ph.D. Thesis, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of Technical University in Brno, Czech Republic, 1999.
  8. Horacek M.:
    Detection of the Angular Distribution of the Signal Electrons in VLESEM.
    Report on the Ph.D. Thesis, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of Technical University in Brno, Czech Republic, 1999.
    (Available in PDF format)
  9. Horacek M.:
    Detection of the Angular Distribution of the Signal Electrons in VLESEM.
    In: Journal of Computer-Assisted Microscopy, March 1998, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 23-32.
    (Available in PDF format)
  10. Horacek M., Dupak J.:
    Temperature Controlled Cathode Heating in Electron Beam Welding Machine.
    In: Sixth International Conference on Electron Beam Technologies EBT'2000, Varna, Bulgaria, 4-7 June 2000. Abstract Book, pp. 46-47.
  11. Horacek M.:
    Detection of the angular distribution of the signal electrons in VLESEM.
    In: 12th European Congress on Electron Microscopy EUREM 12, Brno, Czech Republic, 9-14 July 2000. Proceedings, Volume III, Instrumentation and Methodology, pp. I477-I478.
    (Available in PDF format)
  12. Horacek M., Dupak J.:
    Temperature Controlled Cathode Heating in Electron Beam Welding Machine.
    In: Vacuum, Vol. 62/2-3 (2001), pp. 165-169.
    (Available from ScienceDirect web database)
  13. Horacek M., Mullerova I., Frank L.:
    Acquisition of angular distribution of signal electrons in VLESEM.
    In: 5th Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy MCEM 5, Lecce, Italy, 20-25 September 2001. Proceedings, pp. 521-522.
    (Available in PDF format)
  14. Horacek M.:
    Temperature controlled cathode heating in the electron gun.
    In: 2nd Annual Meeting of the Czechoslovak Microscopy Society, Vranovska Ves, Czech Republic, 8-9 February 2002. Proceedings, pp. 69-70.
  15. Horacek M.:
    Acquisition of multi-dimensional image in the scanning electron microscope.
    In: 8th Seminar Recent Trends in Charged Particle Optics and Surface Physics Instrumentation, Skalsky Dvur, Czech Republic, 8-12 July 2002. Proceedings, pp. 37-38.
  16. Horacek M.:
    Area selective detector of low energy electrons.
    In: 15th International Congress on Electron Microscopy ICEM 15, Durban, South Africa, 1-6 September 2002. Proceedings, Volume 3, Interdisciplinary, pp. 111-112.
    (Available in PDF format)
  17. Kolarik V., Horacek M., Matejka F.:
    Temperature monitoring of the EBL facility.
    In: 9th Electronic Devices and Systems Conference 2002, Brno, Czech Republic, 9-10 July 2002. Proceedings, pp. 207-210.
  18. Horacek M.:
    Charge-coupled device area detector for low energy electrons.
    In: 6th Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy - European Extension - MCM 6, Pula, Croatia, 1-5 June 2003. Proceedings, pp. 476-477.
  19. Horacek M.:
    Charge-coupled device area detector for low energy electrons.
    In: Review of Scientific Instruments, July 2003, Vol. 74, No. 7, pp.3379-3384.
    (Available in PDF format)
  20. Vlcek I., Lencova B., Horacek M.:
    Design of the low-voltage SEM.
    In: Recent Trends in Charged Particle Optics and Surface Physics Instrumentation - 9 th Seminar, Brno, July 12-16, 2004. Proceedings, pp. 75-76.
  21. Frank L., Mullerova I., Novak L., Horacek M., Konvalina I.:
    A method for objective quantification of the efficiency of electron detectors.
    In: Proceedings of the 13 th European Microscopy Congress, Volume I, Instrumentation & Methodology, Antwerp, Belgium, August 22-27, 2004, pp. 67-68.
  22. Horacek M.:
    Modulation transfer function of electron-bombarded CCD.
    In: Proceedings of the 13 th European Microscopy Congress, Volume I, Instrumentation & Methodology, Antwerp, Belgium, August 22-27, 2004, pp. 81-82.
    (Available in PDF format)
  23. Vlcek I., Lencova B., Horacek M.:
    Detection of angular distribution of signal electrons in low-voltage SEM.
    In: Proceedings of the 13 th European Microscopy Congress, Volume I, Instrumentation & Methodology, Antwerp, Belgium, August 22-27, 2004, pp. 337-338.
    (Available in PDF format)
  24. Vlcek I., Lencova B., Horacek M.:
    Design of low energy SEM with electrostatic optics and matrix detector.
    In: 7 th Multinational Congress on Microscopy - MCM 2005, Portoroz, Slovenia, June 26-30, 2005. Proceedings, pp. 365-366.
    (Available in PDF format)
  25. Vlcek I., Lencova B., Horacek M.:
    Design of detector optics for a low energy SEM.
    In: Microscopy Conference 2005 - MC 2005, Davos, Switzerland, August 28-September 2, 2005. Proceedings, p. 59.
    (Available in PDF format)
  26. Horacek M.:
    Modulation transfer function and detective quantum efficiency of electron bombarded charge coupled device detector for low energy electrons.
    In: Review of Scientific Instruments, September 2005, Vol. 76, No. 9, pp.093704-1-6.
    (Available in PDF format)
  27. Matejka F., Horacek M., Lencova B., Kolarik V.:
    Reducing the size of a rectangular-shaped electron beam in E-beam writing system.
    In: 8 th Multinational Congress on Microscopy - MCM 2007, Prague, Czech Republic, June 17-21, 2007. Proceedings, pp. 87-88.
    (Available in PDF format)
  28. Horacek M., Vlcek I., Zobac M.:
    Wien filter electron optical characteristics determining using shadow projection method.
    In: Recent Trends in Charged Particle Optics and Surface Physics Instrumentation - 11 th Seminar, Brno, July 14-18, 2008. Proceedings, pp. 47-48.
    (Available in PDF format)
  29. Vlcek I., Horacek M., Zobac M.:
    Wien filter electron optical characteristics determining using shadow projection method.
    In: 14th European Microscopy Congress EMC 2008, Aachen, Germany, September 1-5, 2008. Proceedings, Volume I, Instrumentation and Methods, pp. 551-552.


[Special Technologies Laboratory] [Institute of Scientific Instruments] [Academy of Sciences of the CR]

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Last Modification: November 20, 2008