Japanese - Czech - Slovak

Joint Seminars

on Applied Electromagnetics

Animation: Sun & Bird


Recently, The 5th Japanese-Czech-Slovak Joint Seminar on Applied Electromagnetics (JCS) was successfully held in Sapporo (Japan), from November 1-3, 1999, c/o Computational Electromagnetic Energy Engineering Lab', School of Engineering, Hokkaido University. This meeting was an integral part of "The Super-Joint Seminar" between the Japanese, Czech, Slovak, Polish, Hungarian, Bulgarian and Macedonian researchers, and followed COMPUMAG - 12th Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields (Sapporo, Oct. 24-28, 1999).

newlogo.gif Now we are organizing "The 4th Japan - Central Europe Joint Workshop on Energy and Information in Nonlinear Systems" , Brno (CR), November 10-12, 2000. This J-CE Workshop is an enterprise which is formally independent from the JCS-Seminars, though close in spirit and participants envolved.

Dead-line for submitting the short version of papers:

September 15, 2000 !!!

Contents: General Information on the JCS-Seminars


General topics of interest to the JCS-Seminars involve (but are not limited to): Electromagnetic Field Computations, Inverse & Optimization Methodologies, Electromagnetic Engineering, Material Science (Magnetic, Dielectric, Conducting & Superconducting, ...), Bioelectromagnetics, Electro-Magneto-Thermo-Mechanical Coupling, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Non-Destructive Evaluation, Interdisciplinary Electromagnetics, etc. etc.



Previous JCS-Seminars

HomePages of People & Lab's around the JCS-Seminars

We are going to create an Internet basis for the people and Lab's around our JCS-Seminars. If you are an attendee or a friend of the JCS-Seminars, please contribute us with your HomePages! Help us creating a net within the JCS-environment! Links to your photos and activities also welcome!

Japan Society of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics (JSAEM)

The leading concept of the JSAEM consists in promoting interdisciplinary research activities involving electromagnetics and mechanics. Associated conferences and seminars are held both inside and outside Japan. In particular, the JSAEM is the major organizer and sponsor of the JCS (and other joint) Seminars. Address: JSAEM, 1-4-6-801 Nezu, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0031, Japan. E-MAIL: jsaem@po.iijnet.or.jp . The founder and the President of the JSAEM is Prof. Kenzo MIYA from The University of Tokyo, E-MAIL: miya@q.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp.

Czech Society of Applied Electromagnetics (CSAEM)

The CSAEM is an informal initiative of the Czech scientists and engineers who are dealing with electromagnetic fields in a very general sense. It's mission is to promote cooperation among researchers in a broad area of interdisciplinary applied electromagnetics. In particular, the CSAEM provides an Internet-based support to the conferences and projects in the field. Address: Dr. Ales GOTTVALD (CSAEM), Inst. Sci. Instrum., Acad. Sci. CR, Kralovopolska 147, CZ-612 64 Brno, Czech Republic, E-MAIL: gott@isibrno.cz . For more info' on the CSAEM, please follow the above link.

Japan - info

Educational institutions. Research info'. Tourist info'. Geographic info'. News.

Czech Republic - info

Educational institutions. Research info'. Tourist info'. Geographic info'. News.

Slovak Republic - info

Educational institutions. Research info'. Tourist info'. Geographic info'. News.

Cooperating Journals

Sponsors Wanted - Opportunities for Commercials

We encourage all prospective sponsors, not only from Japan, CR and SR, to contact the coordinators and to post your commercials on this site. Please take into account that the JCS-Seminars might be your efficient tool to get in touch with an optimal research or industrial partner in the cooperating countries. Thank you in advance for any donation concerning the next JCS-Seminar in Sapporo'99.

Seminars of the JSAEM with Other Countries

The Japanese site (JSAEM) organizes also regular seminars with several other countries. Sevelal corresponding Web-sites was open recently for these seminars. Once some new links will be established we will add them here. Please inform us. Several links are also shown to the WWW-sites which are "close to the JCS-Seminars" in the individual countries.

Miscellaneous links

yinyan.gif This Web-site is maintained by Ales Gottvald. All rights reserved. All suggestions welcome.
Invitation to Ales Gottvald's HomePage & Secret Gardens

Access # since October 1, 1997:
Last Major Modification: October 1, 1997
Last Minor Modification: July 24, 2000
Mail to: gott@isibrno.cz
Underlying background and animation inspired by a Website design by Dr. Stephen Schultz.
Original animation  © 1996 by Blue Mountain Arts, Inc., modified by Roman Malczyk.
The "Mt. Fuji-Line" inspired by Hokusai Katsushika (1760-1849), suggested by Ales Gottvald, created by Roman Malczyk.
Copyright © Ales Gottvald , 1997-2000.